日期:2018-06-15 17:04



"Early in the history of warfare,
man learned that the best formula for victory was compounded in striking power, mobility, and self-protection."
人类意识到, 胜利的最佳公式等于惊人的力量、机动性加自我保护E=D33j4In4bg7BmHo]q6。”
The US is easily the most powerful country to have ever existed.
And it certainly spends more on its military budget and any other country does today.
That's all pretty well-known,
but less well-known is the fact that the US has around 800 military bases around the globe.
但鲜为人知的是, 美国在全球大约有800个军事基地8+Asf%XCY[Pv6Yi%Z.i
This map can't even show that many dots.
These are just 200 or so dots to give you an idea of where these bases are clustered.
这些差不多只有200个左右, 只是为了让大家对那些基地所在的位置有个大致的印象EvD(txUQ~2tO&0dY
These bases are everything from massive military compounds to small airstrips in the middle of the ocean.
If you combined all the foreign bases that every other nation has outside of its own borders, you get a total of about thirty.
There's never been a country with such a massive global presence.
And the big question is: how did these bases get there the first place?
然而,最大的问题是: 这些基地当初是如何形成的?
And how much is it costing US taxpayers to keep them open?
Most to these bases cropped up after WWII,
when the US set up in places like Germany and Japan to help maintain peace, after an era of intense global war.
当时,在经历了一场激烈的全球战争之后, 美国在德国和日本等地建立起了各个军事基地,帮助维持地区的和平WM1s2fMZCw&U
"But we cannot expect these people to discard Nazi ideas with the casual air with which they abandoned their uniform.
"但是, 我们不能指望这些人像脱下纳粹制服那么轻松地抛掉他们的纳粹思想a]Q|XM+sNp9VLJp(Nm
Slowly, steadily they must be taught the fundamentals of democracy.
Our task is to supervise this training in democracy."


Even though these countries are now stable, robust democracies, and allies,
US still has 50,000 troops in Japan and 54,000 in Germany.
但美国在日本仍有5万支军队, 在德国也有5.4万人7(~P0kWoMn(shxHiX#Fi
The Korean War brought an influx of American military infrastructure to the Korean Peninsula, where we now have 28,500 troops stationed.
朝鲜战争给朝鲜半岛带来了大批美国军用基础设施, 我们现在在那里还驻扎着2.85万人的军队j|Q0L^^7J@uTNT1zpMC#
The Cold War made the US expansion to every corner of the globe imperative to US strategic goals.
"Here, in Russia, you see the reason why we are spending billions of dollars in military production
"就在俄罗斯, 大家也可以看得出,我们花费上亿美元生产武器的原因,
and why your family is paying the highest taxes in our history."
But even now that the Cold War's over, there's not a place on Earth that's not still covered by US military influence.
但是, 即使现在冷战结束了, 我们也找不到一个没有被美国的军事力量覆盖的地方_=]ig0=2@1+H
This includes everything from naval compounds like those in Guantanamo Bay,
to small drone bases like those in the Horn of Africa,
to little-known posts in the middle and the Indian Ocean like that of Diego Garcia.
And it's not cheap.
Keeping the US foreign bases open, costs taxpayers between 70 and 100 billion dollars per year.
That's more than any other government agency receives in taxpayer money, besides of course the Department of Defense itself.
这比其他任何政府机构收到的税赋还要多, 当然, 国防部本身除外HZCwoi7zVrb.5d
Taxpayers pay between ten and forty thousand dollars more per soldier stationed abroad than they do for those stationed here domestically.
But this cost seems to be worth it to most lawmakers.
The idea that US military leadership provides an indispensable stability to the globe is now a fixture of our global strategy and our foreign policy.
"In an uncertain world full of breathtaking change, the one constant is American leadership."
在一个充满惊人变化,充满不确定性的世界里, 唯一恒定的就是美国的领导地位5PP6li9q,+phPOYhw0。”
"You can't have stability without American leadership.
there's only one nation in the world capable of rallying the freedom-loving people of this planet to confront evil."
"American leadership is not just respected it is required."
So over the past seven years the US has set up bases all over the world in response to threats and then they just never left.
在过去的七年里, 美国在世界各地建立了基地以应对威胁, 之后就再也没有离开过SOymUK+uPrJ+=mf^5Uf
These eight hundred bases around the world represent a massive system of military power that isn't often talked about,
这800个基地遍布全球, 是一个庞大的军事力量体系, 它虽然没有被经常谈论,
and it's us, the American taxpayers, that are financially supporting this.
We've all decided that it's worth it to pump a hundred billion dollars out of our economy, to keep these bases open on the far corners of our globe.
我们都认为, 从我们自己的经济中抽出1000亿美元, 来维护这些位于世界各个角落的基地是值得的N[v@H^+OjZ=8x!rp7
