万物简史(MP3+中英字幕) 第393期:浩瀚的海洋(12)
日期:2018-04-20 15:26


In 1958, they did a deal with the U.S. Navy, which gave the Navy ownership but left them in control. Now flush with funds, the Piccards rebuilt the vessel, giving it walls five inches thick and shrinking the windows to just two inches in diameter—little more than peepholes. But it was now strong enough to withstand truly enormous pressures, and in January 1960 Jacques Piccard and Lieutenant Don Walsh of the U.S. Navy sank slowly to the bottom of the ocean's deepest canyon, the Mariana Trench, some 250 miles off Guam in the western Pacific (and discovered, not incidentally, by Harry Hess with his fathometer). It took just under four hours to fall 35,820 feet, or almost seven miles. Although the pressure at that depth was nearly 17,000 pounds per square inch, they noticed with surprise that they disturbed a bottom-dwelling flatfish just as they touched down. They had no facilities for taking photographs, so there is no visual record of the event.

After just twenty minutes at the world's deepest point, they returned to the surface. It was the only occasion on which human beings have gone so deep.
Forty years later, the question that naturally occurs is: Why has no one gone back since? To begin with, further dives were vigorously opposed by Vice Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, a man who had a lively temperament, forceful views, and, most pertinently, control of the departmental checkbook.

  • pacificn. 太平洋 adj. 太平洋的 pacific adj
  • vesseln. 容器,器皿,船,舰 n. 脉管,血管,[植]
  • incidentallyadv. 附带地,偶然地,顺便地
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • checkbookn. 支票簿
  • touchedadj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的
  • enormousadj. 巨大的,庞大的
  • canyonn. 峡谷
  • withstandvt. 对抗,经得起,承受
  • diametern. 直径