从琳开始学听力第18期:TPO28 C2相关词句
日期:2018-04-07 12:42



大家好,欢迎大家来到“从琳开始学听 力”,我是 李琳。 今天我们讲解托福TPO28的对话2中的有关词汇及好用词句。这篇对话是教授指导学生进论 文安排。接下来我们来看这篇对话中的相关单词和表达。

teacher certification 教师资格证
seminar n.研讨会
sabbatical n.学术休假 a. 公休 take a sabbatical Renaissance n. 艺复兴
supplemental a.补充

1.You got some questions about your senior thesis requirement?你对毕业论的要求有哪些问题?
2.You normally write the paper during the first half of the academic year, in your final year of studies. 你们一般是在最后一年的上半学年写论文。
3.I have my student teaching scheduled for that time. 我那段时间安排有教学实践。
4.I really need to give that my full attention. 我必须要全情投入。
5.That’s a serious commitment. 这是很重要的任务。
6.That’s a big relief. 长舒一口气。
7.It works out well. 这样做挺好的。
8.You enroll in a thesis seminar for the second semester. 你可以第二学期再参加学术研讨会。
9.It brings us to my second problem. 这就带来第二个问题。
10.I’m thinking about doing a graduate degree with a concentration in Old and Middle English literature.我想在研究生阶段研究中古时期的英国文学。
11.Would you allow me to try to sell you on an alternate plan?能让我给你推荐一个备选方案吗?
12.The course will meet late in the day, so it won’t interfere with your teaching. 这课在一天稍晚的时候上课,所以不会影响到同期你的教学计划。
13.It does have a certain appeal. 确实有一定的吸引。

