Reactions to suffering. Suffering we can't avoid it, no matter how hard we try.
对苦难的反应 。我们无法避免遭遇苦难,无论多么努力都不行 。
Between the poor, homeless and sick, suffering is all around us.
在贫穷、无家可归和疾病中,总有苦难环绕 。
We'd like to think we take it in stride but how do we really react to it?
If you saw an older man shivering on a curb with only a thin blanket and old clothing, you'd most likely feel bad, but you'd keep walking
如果你看到一名老人在路边颤抖,身上只披着一条薄薄的毛毯和旧衣服,你很可能会觉得难过,但你没有停下来 。
We all feel the pain of seeing this older gentleman look as though he might not make the night but seldom stop and do anything.
当看见这位老先生似乎无法撑过今晚时,我们感到痛苦,但是却几乎不会停留下来为他做点什么 。
Our reactions are what make us who we are, both individually and as a species.
我们的反应塑造了我们,不论是就个人还是物种而言 。
Naturally, mankind is sympathetic to the pain and suffering of others.
人类天生就对痛苦和苦难有共鸣 。
Psychologist Edward Titchener translated the German word 'Einfühlung' meaning 'feeling into' into English in 1909,
turning into the word most of us know today as empathy.
将它变成了如今很常见的‘同感’ 。
However, feeling bad for somebody is not empathy despite what most people think, the feelings we get are instead a mixture of other emotions.
但是为某人感到难过并不是同感,虽然大多数人都这么想,但是我们的感受是其他情绪的混合 。
What's the breakdown of somebody's emotions?
Pity is often distress, discomfort and overall sadness when witnessing someone else's misery.
怜悯常是目睹别人的痛苦时所产生的悲痛、不安和悲哀 。
If you were to see someone yelling at their significant other, you will most likely feel sad for them and look on for a few seconds before moving on.
如果你看到有人冲着他们的爱人大吼大叫,你很可能会为他们感到悲哀,观看几秒后就会走开 。
Pity is the acknowledgement of another's pain and that you feel bad for them but pity does not go beyond this.
怜悯是承认别人的痛苦并为他们感到难过,但是怜悯也仅是怜悯而已 。
Likebait is another example of pity or someone online post a photo or video to make their viewers feel bad
and at the end says "Like/Repost/Reblog/Retweet/Share if you understand X's pain and want to help."
并在最后说,“如果你理解X的痛苦并想帮助的话,请点赞、转发、转载、转发推特、分享 。”
Of course, a 'Like' won't help their suffering, it's just helping the poster by giving them 'Likes' on something they posted.
当然,点赞并不能帮助他们,这只是通过点赞帮助发帖者而已 。
Sympathy is the physical display of pity and hoping that the person will be relieved of that pain or suffering.
同情是怜悯的有形展示并希望这个人的痛苦得到解脱 。
It is caring about the well-being of somebody without personally knowing the struggle. You try to understand by putting yourself in their shoes.
同情是关心别人的幸福,而个人了解其中挣扎 。你试图通过换位思考来理解 。
Empathy is both caring and personally knowing the struggle the other person is going through.
同感既是关心,个人也了解别人所经历过的挣扎 。
Remember personally knowing is not always paired with caring, which means it is not true empathy.
记住如果个人的了解不能和关心相配对,这意味着这不是真的同感 。
This is evident in Psychopaths, you have to have personal experience and care in order to empathize
这在心理病态性格中很明显,为了起共鸣,你必须有个人经历和关心 。
Compassion is either empathy or sympathy paired with a desire to relieve that person of their pain.
同情心要么是同感要么是同情,和消除别人痛苦的愿望相配合 。
With compassion, you actively seek a solution. You do something with your sympathy or empathy rather than just walking away.
富有同情心,你会积极寻找方法 。出于自己的同情和同感,你会停下来做点什么而不是直接走开 。
It must be noted that altruism is very different from empathy, sympathy, pity and compassion.
一定要注意,利他行为和同感、同情、怜悯和同情心非常不同 。
When someone acts altruistically, they are acting on the basis that it is the right thing to do not because they feel bad.
当某人有利他行为时,他们会基于‘因为感到难过,所以这么做是正确的’这种想法而行动 。
Altruism can be detached and emotionless as it is not buried in personal emotions, only in doing the perceived right thing.
利他行为可以是超然的、没有情感的,因为利他行为并不深藏于个人情感之中的,做出这种行为,只是因为这么做是对的 。
One way that altruism can backfire is being ignorant of pain, not understanding the problem but trying to fix it anyway.
利他行为也会事与愿违,其方法是忽视痛苦,不理解问题,只是试图修补痛苦 。
A good example of this is replacing a child's old broken toy that holds memories because you believe it is the right thing to do.
利他行为的一个好例子是替换掉承载孩子回忆的破旧玩具,因为你认为这么做是对的 。
However, by replacing this toy, you are tossing out all the memories they have attached to that toy.
但是,换掉这个玩具,你也扔掉了依附于玩具上的所有回忆 。
So if you were to see that same old man shivering, what would your reaction be?
Pity? Sympathy? Empathy? Would you give him another blanket out of altruism or out of compassion?
Write your answers below and don't forget to subscribe for more videos about human emotions.
在下方写下你的回答,不要忘记订阅我们的频道观看更多关于人类情感的视频 。