从琳开始学听力第7期:TPO23 C1相关词句
日期:2018-03-12 11:18




announcement n.公告 set an announcement发公告
enthusiastic a.满腔热情的
recognized a.认证的 a recognized group
loose a.宽松的 a loose group
1.There is no mention of it. 没有提到相关信息/没有相关信息。
2.submit the request 提交申请
3.the announcement has been submitted three business days ahead of the posting day. 公告必须在公布日的三个工作日之前提交。
4.This person is really coming all the way from France.这个人大老远从法国来。
5.Events that are thought to be too special, without the potential for really wide appeal, will not be chosen to be posted on the website. 哪些看上去没有很大受众人群的活动不会被选登到网站上。

appeal v&n吸引力
The idea of collecting snails from my garden never appealed to me.
6.There isn’t enough publicity. 没有足够的宣传
7.I followed the instructions very carefully. 我很仔细的照要求办的。
8.We were able to sell him on the idea by promising there will be a nice size crowd. 我们承诺他将会有很多人来听讲座。

sell sb on the idea 以…说服某人
nice size crowd 很多人
9.The French Department is funding this event, on the condition that we do all the legwork. 法语系会赞助这个活动, 条件是我们做好跑腿的工作。
10.Hold on a second. 稍等一下
11.We are already working on the next week’s schedule. 我们已经开始安排下一周的日程了
12.You could approach some other relevant departments. 你可以联系一下其他相关院系。
approach v. 接洽,接近 n.方法

