根据表情符号猜故事 猜对算你厉害
日期:2018-01-30 07:44



Let's have a look. Who knows their emojis?
You know their emojis. All right. OK.
你看得懂是吧 好
Stand up for me. Yeah.
你站起来 很好
How are you? I'm good. How are you?
还好吗 很好 你呢
What's your name? Jackie.
你叫什么名字 杰基
Hey Jackie, where are you from?
杰基 你好 你来自哪里
I am from Los Angeles.
You are from Los Angeles. Yeah. Well, thanks for making the trip.
你来自洛杉矶啊 对 谢谢你大老远的跑过来
All right. So have a look here and tell me what you think this news story could be.
好 看看这个 告诉我这条新闻是什么
Something cop lobster pants.
You understand the game, right?


根据表情符号猜故事 猜对算你厉害


What do you think? Just say what you see? What do you reckon it is?
你以为游戏规则是什么 把你看到的说出来就好了吗 你猜这是讲的什么故事
Cop, car, woman—
警察 汽车 女人——
Wow, you're literally saying what you see. Yeah.
好吧 你还真的就把你看到的说出来了
So what would a policeman do with a woman he might—
那么一个警察会对一个妇女干什么 可能——
Arrest for having lobster pants.
You're kind of right.
What this is is a woman was arrested for attempting to steal lobster tails from an Austin grocery store.
这条新闻讲的是 一位女士因为被发现在一家奥斯汀百货商店偷龙虾尾而被捕了
According to the police, the woman was seen concealing two separate lobster tails between her legs. I know.
根据警方描述 这位女士被发现时双腿之间藏了两只虾尾 我知道
On the bright side though, at least she didn't have crabs.
往好的方面想 幸好藏的不是螃蟹
All right. Thank you for playing.
好 谢谢你的参与
Thank you, Guillermo.
谢谢 吉列尔莫
Anyone else know their emojis?
Come here. Come here, sir.
先生 过来这边一下
How are you? What's your name? Eric.
还好吗 你叫什么名字 埃里克
Hi, Eric. You don't have to go up a step, Eric.
埃里克 你好 你不用在上一层了
You're already clearly much taller than I am. Yes.
Maybe if I stand there. We shoot it from the right angle.
或许我站在这里会好一点儿 摄像机在右边
You stay there and it looks like—Yeah, there we go.
你站在这 看起来就——对 这样就好了
Now we look at that. That is—that is embarrassing, isn't it?
你看看刚才那样 这就——这就很尴尬 不是吗
Two steps away.
Well, Eric, thank you for making such an effort in dressing up tonight. Thank you.
好了 埃里克 感谢你今晚大费周章的打扮成这样 谢谢
Thank goodness you have.
All right. Eric, do you know your emojis? Yes, I do.
好 埃里克 你觉得自己看得懂表情符号吗 看得懂
Do you use emojis a lot? Every day.
你经常发表情符号吗 每天都发
What's your favorite emoji?
Something not allowed maybe.
What emojis not allow? Do you mean eggplant?
什么表情不能播 你是说茄子那个吗
There are new ones.
You're firing a lot of eggplants? Yes.
你会给别人发很多茄子 对
You dirty dog. You dirty dog.
你太污了 太污了
All right, well, look. Have a look and see if you know what this story might be.
好了 看这里 看看能不能猜出来这是什么新闻
What do you think that could be?
Old lady, scissors, money.
老妇人 剪刀 钱
That's a complicated story right there.
Yeah. You say that a lot, I imagine. Yeah. Yeah.
嗯 我猜你经常说这句话
Tell you what, Eric. It's a good job, you're pretty.
我跟你说啊 埃里克 这工作不错 你长的挺好看的
Thank you.
Let's say old woman cuts hair for money and then dies later in bed.
我猜是一位老妇人靠给别人剪头发来挣钱 然后死在了床上
Eric, I can't stress this enough, this story was in the news.
埃里克 我强调过很多次了 这是新闻
The story you've just said is hairdresser dies.
Like I don't know that that's going to make a news story.
Is that what you're going with old lady cuts hair for money and dies?
It's what it seems like, James.
看起来就是这样啊 詹姆斯
Yeah. Does it? That's what it seems like?
哦 是吗 看起来是那样吗?
OK. Well, I can tell you that what this is,
好吧 我来告诉你新闻是什么
is an 85 grandmother cut up $1.1 million and hid it under her bed before she passed away in a retirement home.
And her family believes she did this in order to punish them.
That's a stone cold baller move. Isn't it?
真是又绝情又大胆啊 不是吗
I'm not defending her.
I'm not defending her but I can't wait to do it when I get older.
我不是在给她说好话 但是我已经怕不急待的想变老了 我也想这么干
Thank you for playing, Eric. Go ahead and have a seat.
感谢你的参与 埃里克 请坐
All right. OK. Anyone else?
好了 还有谁想参加的
Come down here.
Wait, hang on. Wait.
Before I come through, what do you want?
在我走过去之前 二选一
You want the ass or the crutch?
Crutch. Crutch? Listen to you, you old flirt.
胯 胯 听听你自己在说什么 一听就是调情高手
Crutch. She went crutch straight away!
Never trust a woman in a fringed boot.
OK. What do you want? The ass or the crotch?
好了 你选屁股还是胯
She said crutch.
Alright. I'll go through. Here it is.
好 继续 这边
Drink it in. Drink it in.
Hey, no!
Stop it. It's not that kind of show.
OK, what am I looking for?
I am looking for someone who fancies—who thinks they know their emojis? What do we think?
我在找一个喜欢——在找一个自以为能读懂表情符号的人 你们怎么想
OK. You, you, sir. Coming for me, sir.
好的 就是你 先生 请过来一下
How are you? What's your name? Tony.
你好 你叫什么名字 托尼
Hi, Tony. How are you? Good.
托尼 最近怎么样 很好
Now, Tony. Did you buy this shirt this color or did you put it in the wash with something else?
你这件衣服是买的时候就是这个颜色 还是洗的时候跟别的衣服混在一起了
I bought it this color. You bought it this color. Yeah, why not?
买的时候就这颜色 买的时候就这颜色 嗯 挺好的
I'm not judging you.
I love a lavender shirt.
Who cares? Who cares what people are tweeting about it right now?
Screw those guys.
All right. So have a look here and what do you think this emoji story is, Tony.
好 托尼 看看这里 猜猜看这条新闻讲的是什么
What do you reckon?
This woman behind you just went wow.
I think she may have just found out what the eggplant emoji means.
A woman was dancing with her husband about eggplants, then broke bone and—
一位妇女在和丈夫跳着关于茄子的舞 然后骨头碎了 然后——
You know what the eggplant emoji means, Tony?
托尼 你知道茄子的符号是什么意思吗
Yeah. But I don't know what she was. She was—
知道 但我不知道这个女人是指什么 她是——
You can say, you can say, you can say, a men's—
你可以说 是男性的——
Let's call it—you've got a nickname for yours? What do you call it?
叫他——你给你自己的起名字了吗 你叫他什么
Let's call it T-bone. OK. Yeah, a T-bone. Yeah.
就叫他丁骨好了 好 丁骨
The man's T-bone and it broke and she posted it online
一个男人的丁骨断了 这个女的把它发到了网上
and then the doctor gave her money so she could go shopping.
然后医生给了她钱 她把这些钱拿去买东西了
Instead of having it surgically fixed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
而没有让这个男的去做手术 嗯嗯嗯
This may come as a shock to you. That is completely wrong. OK?
答案可能会让你有点惊讶 因为你说的全错
What this is? What this story is?
While making love with her husband,
a woman in China had a sudden urge to check her phone for online shopping bargains.
However whilst hopping off to look at her phone, she broke her husband's penis. I know.
然而就在去拿手机时 她把丈夫的生殖器弄断了
Although on the plus side, this woman clearly loves things that are half off.
顺便说一句 半价对这位女性的吸引力真的太大了
