日期:2017-08-24 13:33



Your house sounds like a fun place to be for a party but also a good place to be
你家听起来像是个开派对的好地方 还……
should the big one ever hit because—
你是经历过什么灾难吗 因为——
Would you like to explain?
I'm a prepper. I'm a little bit of a doomsday, not doomsday.
我是个“准备者” 我有点儿相信世界末日的存在 也不是世界末日啦
Just like, you know if stuff would go bad which I guess would be doomsday—
有时候发生一些坏事 我就觉得世界末日来了
economic collapse, big earthquake, it's California. Zombies, you never know.
比如经济崩溃啊 加州大地震啊 僵尸啊
I don't think zombies are going to happen.
But I also know the guys were like oh, sound piece. I screwed up.
但我也知道有些人会觉得什么事儿都没有 都是我搞的一团糟
So how would you prepare for such thing?




Nonperishable food. Lots of that. Gourmet nonperishable food.
No zombie is getting in my house without a hat chip in its head.
Are you ready for...?
You can come to my place, man.
If something happens, I'm going to run to your house and be like I'm fine.
我到时候就跑去你家 我就没事儿了
I'm with Jason Bourne. He can do this with a pen. He can take these guys down with a pen.
因为我跟詹森·伯恩在一块儿呢 他用一支笔就能把这些家伙打倒
I was in the earthquake in 1993, the north ridge one and that was actually terrifying.
我经历过1993年那场地震 我当时在北岭市 真的特别可怕
I mean I remember running into my door.
Like my door was open and I ran into it sideways because it was pitch black because the power goes out.
当时门是开的 我侧着身子跑进去 因为断了电房子里面一片漆黑
And I was living with Ben Affleck and Casey Affleck.
Their rooms were downstairs and mine was upstairs.
他们的房间在楼下 我的在楼上
And I ran into the door. I think the only reason I didn't knock myself out because I was so full of adrenaline.
我跑进房间 我当时没吓倒是因为我肾上腺素飙升
And then I ran down. And we all met in the living room.
我跑下楼 我们在客厅里碰了面
You know we were so stupid. We had no idea what to do.
我们都特别蠢 不知道怎么办才好
We're all from Boston. We didn't know.
我们都是波士顿来的 我们啥也不知道
But I do remember preparing for—you know, we bought flashlights, you know.
That was it. Tip of the iceburg.
就这些了 跟我相比简直是冰山一角
22 years ago. So I mean, we're due for one now. You're do for another one.
那是22年前了 所以我们现在准备好迎接下一场地震了 你是准备好了

  • collapsen. 崩溃,倒塌,暴跌 v. 倒塌,崩溃,瓦解,折叠
  • pitchn. 沥青,树脂,松脂 n. 程度,投掷,球场,音高 v
  • earthquaken. 地震
  • ridgen. 脊,山脊,山脉