英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第531期:买房难租房贵
日期:2017-07-20 09:24


Dialogue 1

Jingjing: How have you been, Mark. Have you settled into your new apartment yet?
Mark: Yeah. It's worth paying a little extra rent for something modern.
Jingjing: Have you thought about buying a house?
Mark: I've thought about it. But, with the prices so high, I'd rather just keep my money in the bank and invest in stocks.
Jingjing: You should have bought a house a few years ago, when they were more within reach.
Mark: Yeah, don't I know it. I was too busy enjoying life then, not thinking about the future.
Jingjing: Do you think the prices will keep going up?
Mark: I'm no expert, but I think the growth in sales prices will taper off, as we've been seeing.
Jingjing: Do you think there's a housing bubble?
Mark: There might be, with vacation properties and satellite cities.
Jingjing: Yeah, here in major cities like Beijing, people are counting on their houses.
Mark: I hear the prices are going up in the smaller cities now.
Jingjing: They're still a lot cheaper; but the prices are climbing more quickly.
Mark: Let's hope they don't climb through the roof!

New words: 习语短语:

settled into 安顿好
(gotten used to, gotten comfortable in, gotten well-situated in)
within reach 可触及的,价格可负担的,买得起的
(affordable for most people)
Don't I know it. 我难道还不知道吗
(I know already, and don't need to be told, because my situation makes it clear to me.)
taper off 逐渐减少,降低
(gradually reduce the rate of growth)
housing bubble 房地产泡沫
(housing prices within a certain market being so high that they are unsustainable and might suddenly lose their value) (This borrows from the metaphor of inflation.)
satellite cities 卫星城市,意指大城市边缘的小型城市
through the roof 上涨得离谱
(increase beyond reason, i.e. Prices in this market have gone through the roof.)


Dialogue 2

Jingjing and Mark talk later in the same day.
Jingjing: Mark, since you're renting your house, I wonder what you think is going to happen with rental prices.
Mark: I don't think about it very much.
Jingjing: How do Beijing rentals compare with those in the US?
Mark: It's easier to find an inexpensive apartment in Beijing. I remember being up against the wall in the US before coming to China; but maybe that was because I was just starting work after graduation.
Jingjing: You mean it's cheaper to rent an apartment in Beijing than in your city in the US?
Mark: I wouldn't say that. It's just that there are so many old buildings and subway lines and small apartments everywhere.
Jingjing: That helps to keep the prices down, I guess.
Mark: The cost of owning a house for 70 years, and renting it, is not all that much different here.
Jingjing: Yeah, but people would rather pay for their own house than give money to landlords. Also, according to Chinese tradition, people should have their own house before starting a family.
Mark: That's understandable. All the value for owning a house keeps rental prices down a bit.
Jingjing: But it seems rental prices are now going up at a faster rate than purchase prices.
Mark: That doesn't surprise me. The sky's the limit when it comes to rental prices.
Jingjing: We'll see what the market will bear.
Mark: Mmm, I'm dreaming of a harmonious bull and bear.

New words: 习语短语:

(be) up against the wall 碰壁,捉襟见肘,选择不多,窘迫
(being in a situation that offers too few alternatives or no choice at all, forcing you to take a certain action or give up, i.e. I have to live near my company, because I have no car and can't spend much time on daily commutes. So, I'm up against the wall and have to pay for an expensive yet small apartment downtown.)
a bit 一点,不多
(This adverbial describes a minor factor that generally has a small effect but potentially could have a great effect. The word, bit, comes from the piece of metal put into each side of a horses mouth, for a rider to pull to the left or right.)
The sky's the limit. 天空才是尽头,意指一切皆有可能
(aphorism, meaning that anything is possible)
We'll see what the market will bear. 我们拭目以待看市场能有多大的承受力
(aphorism, meaning ...what the market will tolerate and ...what the market will bear down on, as in a bear market)

  • bubblen. 气泡,泡影 v. 起泡,冒泡
  • purchasevt. 买,购买 n. 购买,购买的物品 n. 支
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • potentiallyadv. 潜在地
  • inexpensiveadj. 花费不多的,廉价的
  • aphorismn. 格言,警语
  • minoradj. 较小的,较少的,次要的 n. 未成年人,辅修科
  • affordableadj. 支付得起的,不太昂贵的
  • factorn. 因素,因子 vt. 把 ... 因素包括进去 vi
  • metaphorn. 隐喻,暗喻