安提瓜 被海滩簇拥的明珠
日期:2017-07-08 10:48



Just 3 hours from Miami and 8 from London, is Antigua, the largest island in the nation of Antigua and Barbuda.
Whatever time zone you’re coming from, the moment you set foot here, you’re walking in island time.
Christopher Columbus claimed this island for Spain when he sailed past in 1493, but he was in too much of a hurry to stop.
Don’t go making the same mistake he did, or you’ll miss out on some of the best beaches and mellowest wines the Caribbean has to offer.
Antigua’s capital is St John’s, built by British traders 150 years after Columbus first rushed by.
High on the hill, The Big Church looks down upon a town of plantation shutters, iron roofs and colors as bright as our spirit.
Mix up a little history and shopping, down by the city’s quays, where old shop-houses have been given new life as cafes, bars and duty-free boutiques.
Take a break from the noonday sun in the cool shade of the old Courthouse, now the home of the national museum.
From the days of sugar and slaves, to cricketing legends, the story of Antigua is all here to touch and enjoy.
Spend a lazy afternoon walking the ramparts of the harbor’s fortifications, whose cannons made sure that pirates and other mischief-makers stayed well out to sea.
When the hustle and bustle of St John’s gets too much, there’s a whole island waiting to meet you.
Just to the north of St John’s, you’ll find Runaway Beach and Dickenson Bay. These beaches have everything a sophisticated beachcomber could need,
from the purest sands, to some of the finest resorts in all the West Indies. And the sunsets are pretty fine too.
On the island’s Eastern side, spend an hour or two at Betty’s Hope, the queen of all Antigua’s sugar plantations.
在岛屿的东面,你可以花上一两个小时待在Betty’s Hope,这是个古老的甘蔗种植园,安提瓜质量最好的蔗糖便出于此处g~qw)|6uX)qko1*usr
The island was once covered with over one hundred mills just like this,




whose great sails turned slowly in the trade winds, each one crushing up to 200 tons of cane per week.
A few miles east from Betty’s Hope, feel the power of the trade winds again, at Devil’s Bridge,
在距离Betty’s Hope东面几米处的魔鬼桥上,又再一次体会到信风的力量,
a natural arch carved by Atlantic waves pushed all the way from Europe.
When it’s time for some gentle rhythms, cool off in the sheltered waters of neighboring Long Bay.
接下来该享受温柔旋律了,来Long Bay的掩护水域凉爽一下吧Vo2d,XIG1#VyBT+qF_
Or let the breeze carry you further around the Island, to curvaceous beauty spots like Half Moon Bay,…and Mamora Bay.
让轻轻拂过的微风牵引你游览整座岛屿,带你领略优美的风景区——Half Moon Bay、Mamora Bay...
Sooner or later you’ll wind up at English Harbor, once, one of the Royal Navy’s most important bases, today, the prettiest town in the islands south.
你一定会在English Harbor停留,这里曾是皇家海军重要的基地之一,也是这座岛南部最美的城镇UxuZAomkMDiNVfwm7.[
Hi-Tech yachts have replaced the great ships of old, and the timber and gunpowder stores are now boutique hotels.
But the smell of rum and tar still lingers around the Nelson’s Dockyard, …in the windlasses that pulled weary ships ashore for repair,
and in the former officers’ quarters which now celebrate the great age of sail.
Head up the hill to Clarence House, and share the same views that admirals, governors, and visiting royalty once enjoyed.
For even bigger views, keep climbing, to Shirley Heights. Once a place where lookouts scanned the horizon for prowling ships,
today it’s the perfect place to catch the breeze, …and think about your next swim.
From English Harbor, back to St John’s, it’s just one perfect beach after another.
从English Harbor返回圣约翰,途中一个接着一个海滩涌进眼帘.2h_pmDjp|k
Pigeon’s Point Beach, is alive with local laughter.
Carlisle Beach, comes straight from a dream.
Turners Beach, is as calm as the sea can be.
And Valley Church Beach, is like warm medicine for the soul.
Some say there are 365 beaches in Antigua, one for each day of the year.
But you won’t see every beach, don’t even try.
Just take it eeeeasy, because the slower you move, the better you’ll feel. And Antigua is all about, feeling good.
For thousands of years Antiguans have called this island "Waladli", which means our place. So come, set your mind to island time, and make it your place too.
