日期:2017-06-19 11:25



This is kind of interesting. There's a new study done at the University of Minnesota
分享个有趣的 最近明尼苏达大学做了一个调查
where they found people often have very different interpretations of what Emojis mean.
结果发现 不同的人对同一个表情的理解是不同的
The study found that 25% of type people do not agree on whether an Emoji was positive, neutral or negative.
调查发现 其中有25%的人对某个特定表情到底代表的是积极 中性 还是消极存在着异议
In another words,the universal language they called Emoji isn't really universal.
换句话说 这个被誉为是'世界通用'的表情包有可能不那么通用了
I have to say it surprised me at the first then we conducted all our experiments today
不得不说 一开始这结果确实吓到我了 于是我们做了一天的调查

We went on the street, we showed people the eggplanting emoji, the peach emoji and a couple of other emojis.
我们上街采访了人们 给他们看了“茄子”的图片 “桃子”的图片以及其他各种图…
To see what each one of those meant to each person. And here are our immediately unscientific results.
想看一下他们对那些图的理解是啥 好 接下来就是我们新鲜出炉的非科学不靠谱的调查结果
This is kind of interesting. What does this emoji mean to you? Penis.
让我们来看看吧 这张图你觉得代表啥?小鸡鸡
Ass. Taco.--Well...or....a....? Or.....a....vagina. Sex.
屁屁 墨西哥卷饼 呃…还有嘞… 呃…小妹妹… 爱爱
What does this emoji mean to you? Dick. Ass. TacoTuesday. Or? Vagina Hahahah......
你觉得这张图代表什么?小鸡鸡 屁屁 墨西哥卷饼 还有?小妹妹 哈哈哈哈…
A finger fuck. Wow.. I think you mean finger of love making. Oh....that means....um.... Hahahaha.......
手指‘操’ 哇喔…牛逼 你是说用手指做爱吧?嗯…指那个…呃…哈哈哈哈
My weiner? It's a penis emoji. Hahaha....it usually...indicates penis. It's a shaft used for pleasure.
我老二?指小弟弟 哈哈哈…这经常指…那个…小鸡鸡啊 娱乐‘棒’
It's an eggplant? Or...... Or a squash? Or? Or....um...it's not a pepper I know that. It's......
Um.......purple pepper? It's an eggplant. Or? I can't say anything else.
呃…紫色的茄子?茄子啊 还有咧?我不能再说了
My kids will be watching. I can't say anything else.
我的孩子们可能都看着呢 我不能再说了
Haha...an eggplant. A purple eggplant with a green top that I would like to eat.
哈哈哈…就是茄子…带绿色把的紫茄子 我想吃的那种
OMG! YES. Looks like a dick. A vagina? Malepox. A tomato?
天哪!亮瞎眼 对啊 看起来像小鸡鸡啊 小妹妹?小妹妹 西红柿?
Well or? Apple? Or? A pomegranate? Or a butt? It can be an innercent fruit or also can be an ass I think.
呃…还有呢?苹果?还有呢?石榴?屁屁?它可以是单纯的水果 也可以是屁屁
Everyboday definitely say it stands for the boody. Female butt. Could be a peach or...... Or the real end.
我估计大家都会说是小弟弟吧 女人的屁屁 可以是桃子 或者屁屁
That makes me hungry cause I love tacos ,who doesn't? Well...well...
看着它我都饿了 你知道我超爱卷饼的 我觉得每个人都喜欢吧?呃…恩…
Well....alright..Teacher's on. Ahahahahah.....it's a taco but I also know it's not a taco. Hahaha.....
…呃…醉了…你要讲课了么…哈哈哈哈…是卷饼 也不是卷饼 哈哈哈哈…
Go right and then go through something. What does that mean?--Oh, anything you want.
Well......alright. Pull my finger? No thank you. Wu......that looks like...like the penis going in a hole?
呃…好吧…你赢了 拉手指?你够了 哥们儿 嗯…看起来像小弟弟在钻洞啊?
A hand? Oh! We are having sex? Sex. Sex. Sex. One hand pointing at another. Meaning!
一只手? 喔 爱爱呗?做爱 做爱 做爱 一只手指着另一只手 啥意思?
Do you love clicking buttons that subscribing to things?
Then click the button to subcribe to my channel and you will finally be happy.
那就快订阅我的频道吧 更多精彩等着你哦!

  • channeln. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法 vt. 引导
  • peachn. 桃子,桃树,桃红色 v. 揭发,检举
  • universaladj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,全体的,全世界的 n.
  • shaftn. 轴,杆状物,矛,柄,竖井,(一道)光线 vt. 装
  • unscientificadj. 不科学的,不符合科学原理的;非学术的;无科学知
  • neutraladj. 中立的,中性的 n. 中立者,空挡的,素净色
  • negativeadj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定