日期:2017-05-23 14:17



We are so glad you're here tonight.
We want to start by talking about L.L.BEAN, the outdoor clothing company.
They were the focus of a boycott this week after it came out that
one of the company's coowners Linda Bean had donated a lot of money to support Donald Trump.
When Trump found out about the boycott, he just let it go and moved on.
当川普知道这起抵制事件后他啥也没说 就让它过去了
I'm kidding, he tweeted about it. Take a look.
我开玩笑呢 他发了个推特 来我们看一下
He thanked Linda Bean for her support and then he commands everybody to buy L.L.BEAN.
他向琳达·宾的支持表示了感谢 然后他要求大家都要去买L.L.BEAN的产品
Now I for one am shocked that the coowner of a company founded
现在 作为其中一位 我被震惊到了 这个由一位猎人创办的公司
by a hunter, to sell hunting boots to other hunters would came out in favor of republican.
A lot of people were upset that L.L.BEAN family members was connected to the Trump Campaign.
对于L.L.BEAN集团会和川普竞选扯上关系 很多人都很失望
And I hear that L.L.BEAN's brother Cool J is absolutely livid. Furious.
而且我听说L.L.BEAN的兄弟库尔•J对于此事已经暴跳如雷 愤怒的无以言表
So so Donald Trump endorsed L.L.BEAN
所以 唐纳德•川普在推特上表明了
on twitter because if anybody represents the rugged
如果能有一家企业能代表户外探险 那只能是L.L.BEAN
great outdoors. It's a spray-tanned germaphobe without
goes to the bathroom on a gold toilet.
But the twist came when L.L.BEAN distanced
但是 一场角力开始了 L.L.BEAN把自己和琳达•宾区分开来
itself from Linda Bean saying it does not take positions on
political matters or make political contributions, so
expect a Trump twitter any minute saying
所以 希望川普抽空发一条推特表示


LL is the most overrated kind of bean. Garbanzo, fava, jelly, All way better bean. It should got me anytime.
LL是最被高估的一种豆子了 鹰嘴豆 蚕豆 果冻 都比LL强 这条推特随时都有可能发出来
In other news. This is a fun story.
说说其他的新闻 这是一个很有趣的故事
A Harry Potter inspired restaurant has opened in Brooklyn, New York.
最近一家饭店在纽约布鲁克林开张了 它的创意来源于哈利波特
It's called Pasta Wiz.
And they specialize in spaghetti, fettuccini and other Italian dishes.
他们的特色菜是意大利细面条和意大利宽面条 还有其他意大利美食
Because when you think of Harry Potter you immediately think Italian.
因为当你想到哈利波特的时候 你马上就会想到意大利
Pasta Wiz will also host wizard theme meet-ups because you know
if you are eating at a Harry Potter themed restaurant, you're
probably not great at finding friends on your own.
Incidentally, interesting fact, Pasta Wiz is also Donald Trump's
很有趣的巧合是 面条行家也是唐纳德川普
favorite room service order at Russian hotels.
Now there was another story today that made me nervous.
Researchers have discovered that your online identity can be
研究表明 如果你在网上分享了表示和平手势的照片
stolen if you flash the peace sign in photos that you post on the internet.
Because new technology allows hackers to zoom in on your fingerprints. I know.
因为新技术使黑客能通过你的指纹得到你的信息 我知道
We gave peace a chance, it didn't work out.
我们给了和平个机会 但是没啥用
Is it me?
Or I miss the old days when we had our identities stolen in
我想念过去的时光 那时候我们的身份被一种更加尊重的方式盗去
more respectable ways, you know, like clicking on a link for free boner pills.
就是那种你点开那个链接 会送你免费伟哥的那种
They say, now they say flashing the peace sign could lead to a lot of identity theft.
他们说 比剪刀手会导致大量的身份信息被盗
And experts say the group that is most vulnerable are girls posting photos from Coachella.
专家说 最容易受到伤害的群体是科切拉的姑娘们 她们老是在网上发照片

  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • huntern. 猎人,猎犬,猎马,搜寻者 Hunter: 亨特(姓
  • incidentallyadv. 附带地,偶然地,顺便地
  • identityn. 身份,一致,特征
  • themen. 题目,主题
  • twistv. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲 n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,拧
  • respectablen. 品格高尚的人 adj. 值得尊重的,人格高尚的,不
  • specializevt. 专门研究,专攻,使 ... 特殊化 vi. 专攻
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱