日期:2016-10-09 06:50



A family of folks who didn't quit because she saw her dad get up and go to work every day even though he never finished college.


Even though he had crippling MS She saw her mother, even though she never finished college in that school, that urban school.

尽管他患有影响行动的多发性硬化症她看到 尽管她的母亲从未念完大学但在那个学校 那个贫民区的学校

Every day making sure Michelle and her brother were getting the education they deserved Michelle saw how her parents never quit.


They never indulged in self-pity no matter how stacked the odds were against them They didn't quit.


Those are the folks who inspire me People ask me sometimes who inspires you, Mr. President?.

正是这些人激励着我人们有时问我总统先生 是谁激励着你

Those quiet heroes all across this country some of your parents and grandparents who are sitting here no fanfare, no articles written about them.

是这个国家各地那些默默耕耘的英雄今天在座的你们一些人的父母和祖父母他们不张扬 没有文章报道他们

They just persevere They just do their jobs They meet their responsibilities.They don't quit.

他们只是坚持不懈他们只是做好本职工作他们履行自己的责任 他们不放弃

I'm only here because of them They may not have set out to change the world but in small, important ways, they did.

正是因为有他们我才站到这里他们或许并没有从一开始就要改变世界但他们以一点一滴的重要方式 改变了世界

They certainly changed mine So whether it's starting a business or running for office, or raising an amazing family.

他们无疑改变了我的世界因此 无论是创办一家企业竞选公职 还是抚养一个美好的家庭

Remember that making your mark on the world is hard It takes patience. It takes commitment.

请记住 要在这个世界上留下你的影响不是一件轻而易举的事情它需要耐心 它需要投入

It comes with plenty of setbacks and it comes with plenty of failures But whenever you feel that creeping cynicism whenever you hear those voices say you can't make a difference.

随之而来的是大量挫折 以及无数次的失败但每当你感觉到那种迎面扑来的冷嘲热讽每当你听到人们说你无法改变现状




