日期:2016-09-18 16:55



We need to also appreciate what is working, to also focus on, metaphorically speaking, the children on a bus. Stavros and Torres in the wonderful book on relationships.

我们还要欣赏起作用的东西 用比喻的意义上说 还要留意巴士上的小孩 Stavros和Torres在一本关于婚姻的好书里说

"We see what we look for and we miss much of what we are not looking for even though it is there. Our experience of the world is heavily influenced.

"我们会看到要寻找的东西" "错失不去寻找的东西 虽然它在那里" "我们的阅历"

By where we place our attention. " Questions very often create reality. The first important thing to understand about questions.

"被我们的关注点深深地影响了" 问题经常会缔造现实 理解什么是问题的首要事情

Is that we need to understand the questions. And here I want to defer to a very important philosopher, a 20th and 21st century philosopher.

就是我们要理解那些问题 在这点我同意一位重要哲学家 一位20世纪和21世纪的哲学家

Who illustrates the importance of understanding questions Homer Simpson. If you can just turn down the voice, the sound a little bit.

他阐明了理解问题的重要性 荷马辛普森 能不能把声音调低一点

Because this is very loud. Thank you. The Simpsons Now we're gonna run a few tests.

因为它非常大声 谢谢 辛普森一家 现在我们要做几项测试

This is a simple lie detector. I'll ask you a few yes or no questions and you just answer truthfully.

这是一台简单的测谎仪 我会问你几个问题 你回答是或否 你要老实回答

Do you understand? Yes. Love it. Love it.

明白吗? 明白 很精彩

So the first step is really understanding the question. But once we understand it, it is also important to know what questions are we going to ask.

所以第一步是真正理解问题 但是我们理解问题之后 知道我们要问什么问题也很重要




