英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第115期:你会爱上怎样的人?
日期:2015-06-25 13:04


今天的我们要说说“爱” 这种炽烈的情感,爱在相爱的人之间会是一种怎样的化学反应呢?从有趣的科学的角度来看,脑科学以及心理学研究发现浪漫的爱情是一种生物程序,有关爱的行为源于多种吸引力,更有趣的是,人们会在遇见和自己相似或相异的人时产生最浓烈的爱的感觉,那么问题来了,你会爱上怎样的人?——与你性格脾气爱好观念非常契合,相见恨晚的那个人,还是与你天壤之别,但是充满莫明魅力让你一见钟情相处亦非常合拍的人?不妨思考一下自己对爱的感觉,爱的要求,看看自己到底是“物以类聚”党还是“异类相吸”党呢?今天的阵营欢迎你来打擂,亮出你的爱情态度(爱情甜蜜的朋友更可以大胆秀恩爱,实证说话)


XG:So, how did your last date go with that guy, Jing Jing?
JJ:I don't even wanna talk about it. I thought he was going to be Mr. Right, but he turned out to be Mr. Wrong. I don't understand... —————————————
XG:Well, that might be the problem right there.
JJ:What do you mean?
XG:I mean, maybe you should look for someone who is different from you. Take the “opposites attract” route, instead of the “birds of a feather flock together” one.
JJ:Really? ———————————————————soulmate?
XG:Well, think about it. The other person will seem more interesting. If you are dating someone who is similar to you, ————————
JJ:I see your point…
XG:And it's good to have someone who helps you leave your comfort zone. ————————————— then maybe it would be a good idea to date an extrovert who enjoys being around lots of other people and going out.
JJ:Yeah, that's true. But we should be careful not to go overboard. If people are too opposite, they might argue and never get along. I think finding the right balance is what matters most. In other words, ————-------/ —————————————
XG:Well, I'm glad I could help!

New words for dialogue:
Mr. Right =
Opposites attract =
Birds of a feather flock together =
Soulmate =
Comfort zone =
Introvert =
Extrovert =
Go overboard =
Against [something] =
