英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第96期:善待动物(1)
日期:2015-05-28 11:47


别人都在网上追剧的时候,小高迷上了两只小猴纸情侣couple,天天追看它们衣食住行的视频,这是两只被营救下来的猪尾猴,目前和它们动物保护者的主人一起住在马来西亚…人类不仅喜欢饲养猫狗等常规家宠,有些人亦会在偶然的机会下选择饲养一些“ exotic pets" ( 非同寻常的宠物),它们可能是鼠鸟猴龟,也可能是狮虎豹熊蛇,动物和人类一起生活,当然不止是做伴那么简单,有些人甚至要通过与宠物交流获得心理疗愈,并重新学习有效融入人际社会。而人类做为自然界高级生物如何与动物保持和谐友爱的关系,爱护动物并不任意虐待滥杀是一个艰辛的主题。动物的存在某种程度上帮助人类开启爱心,学会公平尊重,培养对自然的慈悲。它们是人类的朋友,而不应是餐桌的美味和谋取暴利的来源。


JJ:Hey, Xiao Gao. What did you do this weekend?
XG:I bought some clothes for some monkeys.
JJ:For some what?! Did I just hear you say… you bought some clothes for some monkeys? Like… real monkeys?
XG:That’s right! I have been watching some videos online about a man named Jamil who lives in Malaysia. ————————————————And he even rescues monkeys. In fact, he has two pigtail macaques and he treats them like his children.
JJ:So you bought clothes for them? I didn’t know monkeys wear clothes.
XG:Well, they don’t, ————————————— I hope that the two monkeys will like the clothes I bought for them and I hope to see their new outfits online soon.
JJ:Wow, I guess man and animal have a special connection.
XG:Yeah, he often takes his monkeys out for lunch and dinner. They are so cute!
JJ:Hey, remember 小黄豆 and 美美? I really miss them!
XG:Yeah. You were a great mother to them. I’m sure they are grateful to have been rescued by you.
JJ:Well, they also brought joy to my life. You know what they say: Dog is man’s best friend.
XG:Hey, where did that saying come from?
JJ:Well, before wolves evolved into dogs, it is said that humans and wolves worked together hunting game. The wolves would track the pray, and the humans would kill it. The humans would leave some meat for the wolves. This is how man and wolf’s relationship is said to have formed.

New words for dialogue:
Animal lover =
Abandon =
Pigtail macaque =
Outfit =
Man’s best friend =
Game =

