英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第94期:不叛逆不青春(1)
日期:2015-05-26 14:16


有一首关于青春的歌曾经唱到:想起当初,年少的我,每当回忆那点点滴滴,有多少次叛逆的痕迹,总是盼望回到那个年纪…青春期是每个人必经的一场身心大战,它是你代表你自己向束缚你的一切“权威” 发出挑战,人们把这种独有的成长阶段叫做叛逆期…它可以表现为意识到自己和他人生而有别,开始形成自我的价值观和原则,不愿再遵守所谓“死板的规则”, 寻找新的能融入自我的团体(他们至少很酷)…一场为期数年的“逆行” 竟是每个人对自己感觉最棒的时候,也是无数人对自己的青春念念不忘原因。叛逆过的青春,是值得赞叹的时光,没有当初飞上天空的渴望,就没有如今卓尔不群的自己。


XG:Hey, Jing Jing, you look like you didn’t get enough sleep last night. What’s up?
JJ:I went to sleep at 3:30 in the morning. I was glued to the TV. I was watching my favorite TV series. What time did you go to bed last night?
XG:10:30, right on the dot.
JJ:You’re such a goody goody. Why don’t you break the rules for once and stay up late? It’s fun!
XG:You know what? When I was younger, I went through a rebellious streak!
JJ:Oh yeah? Tell me about it.
JJ:That’s normal. I’ve done a lot of research on this actually. All teens go through similar phases. They suddenly feel a need to become independent and have a separate identity. They often test authority and talk backto parents and teachers. And actually, there’s a more scientific explanation: according to some doctors, the area of the brain called theprefrontal cortex is developing. During this phase of development, kids start to develop their own ideals and ideas.Adolescents start to see the world more realistically.
XG:Yeah, that is describing me to a T. I remember that when I was a teenager I started to notice how embarrassing I felt when I was around my parents. I felt like they didn’t know how to be cool and dress properly.
JJ:And didn’t you say you pierced your own ears? Let me guess… you were a teenager?
XG:Bingo! I was fifteen years old.-----------------------------------------.
JJ:So, what made you change into such a normal nice guy?
XG:Well, I think part of it was maturity. After a while, what I originally thought was my parents nagging me all the time, was actually them expressing their care and concern for me. What can I say? I guess I grew up!

New words for dialogue:
Glued to the TV =
Right on the dot =
Goody goody =
Go through a streak [or phase] =
Cop an attitude =
Test authority =
Talk back =
Prefrontal cortex =
Adolescent =
Describe something to a T =
Fit in =
Nag =

