TED演讲(MP3+双语字幕) 第62期:你的医生不愿透露什么?(3)
日期:2015-03-25 09:07



Then, we go one step further.
然后, 我们更进一步。
We add our values when it comes to women's health,LGBT health, alternative medicine,preventive health, and end-of-life decisions.
我们带来了更多的好处:比如女性健康,同性双性恋及跨性者的健康问题, 替代疗法,卫生预防, 以及临终决定。
We pledge to our patients that we are here to serve you,so you have a right to know who we are.
我们向我们的患者 保证我们在这里是为你服务。所以你有权利知道我们是谁,
We believe that transparency can be the cure for fear.
I thought some doctors would sign on and others wouldn't,but I had no idea of the huge backlash that would ensue.
我当时认为一些医生 会签下这份协议, 一些不会,但是我不知道接下来 会产生这么大的反对意见。
Within one week of starting Who's My Doctor?
Medscape's public forum and several online doctors' communities had thousands of posts about this topic.
Here are a few.
From a gastroenterologist in Portland:
I devoted 12 years of my life to being a slave.
I have loans and mortgages.
I depend on lunches from drug companies to serve patients.
Well, times may be hard for everyone,
but try telling your patient making 35,000 dollars a year to serve a family of four that you need the free lunch.
From an orthopedic surgeon in Charlotte:
I find it an invasion of my privacy to disclose where my income comes from.
我认为公开我的收入来源 是一种对我隐私的侵犯,
My patients don't disclose their incomes to me.
But your patients' sources of income don't affect your health.
From a psychiatrist in New York City:
Pretty soon we will have to disclose whether we prefer cats to dogs,what model of car we drive,and what toilet paper we use.
不久之后我们将不得不公开 我们是否喜欢喜欢猫比狗多一点,我们开什么类型的车,我们用什么厕纸。
Well, how you feel about Toyotas or Cottonelle won't affect your patients' health,but your views on a woman's right to choose and preventive medicine and end-of-life decisions just might.
And my favorite, from a Kansas City cardiologist:
还有我最喜欢的一条, 来自于堪萨斯城的心脏科医生:
More government-mandated stuff?
Dr. Wen needs to move back to her own country.
Well, two pieces of good news.
First of all, this is meant to be voluntary and not mandatory,and second of all, I'm American and I'm already here.
第一, 这应该是自愿的而不是强制的,第二, 我是美国人, 而且我已经在这了。
Within a month, my employers were getting calls asking for me to be fired.
一个月之内, 我的雇主接到过几通电话要求解雇我。
I received mail at my undisclosed home address with threats to contact the medical board to sanction me.
在我的一个私人的居所里, 收到了一封邮件威胁说要去联系医委会制裁我,
My friends and family urged me to quit this campaign.
After the bomb threat, I was done.
在收到炸弹威胁后, 我受够了。
But then I heard from patients.
Over social media, a TweetChat,which I'd learned what that was by then,generated 4.3 million impressions,and thousands of people wrote to encourage me to continue.
基于大众评价, Tweetchat,是我在当时用的社交工具,已经产生了430万的留言,上千人留言鼓励我继续。
They wrote with things like,if doctors are doing something they're that ashamed of,they shouldn't be doing it.
Elected officials have to disclose campaign contributions.
Lawyers have to disclose conflicts of interests.
Why shouldn't doctors?
And finally, many people wrote and said,let us patients decide what's important when we're choosing a doctor.
最后, 许多人留言说,让我们患者决定当我们选一个医生的时候,什么才是重要的。
In our initial trial,over 300 doctors have taken the total transparency pledge.
What a crazy new idea, right?
多么疯狂的想法, 对吗?
But actually, this is not that new of a concept at all.
但是事实上, 这一点都不算是新的概念。
Remember Dr. Sam, my doctor in China,with the goofy jokes and the wild hair?
记得山姆医生,那个会讲傻傻的笑话和 狂野的头发的中国医生吗?
Well, she was my doctor,but she was also our neighbor who lived in the building across the street.
I went to the same school as her daughter.
My parents and I trusted her because we knew who she was and what she stood for,and she had no need to hide from us.
我的父母和我相信她因为我们知道她是怎样的一个人 和她的信仰是什么,她不需要向我们隐藏什么。
Just one generation ago, this was the norm in the U.S. as well.
仅仅这一代之前, 这在美国也是常态。
You knew that your family doctor was the father of two teenage boys,that he quit smoking a few years ago,that he says he's a regular churchgoer,but you see him twice a year: once at Easter and once when his mother-in-law comes to town.
你知道你的家庭医生 是两个十几岁男孩的父亲,他几年前把烟戒掉了,经常去做礼拜,但是你见他一年两次: 要么是在复活节要么就是他的岳母到访的时候。
You knew what he was about,and he had no need to hide from you.
But the sickness of fear has taken over,and patients suffer the consequences.
I know this firsthand.


