英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第36期:十二星座运势前瞻:白羊座—处女座(2)
日期:2015-03-05 08:17




XG:Oh my gosh! They’re out! They’re out! Oh my gosh I can’t believe it!
JJ:What, Xiao Gao? What’s out?
XG:The 2015 horoscope forthis year! I totally can’t control myself right now I’m so excited.
JJ:Yeah! I was just looking at them myself! Aren’t they interesting? Let’s talk about them!
XG:Well, Aries is the first on the list! It says that Aries’ year starts off with a lot of energy! In fact, it says Aries’feelings may run rampant for a few weeks, so be careful!
JJ:Yeah, but Aries should be willing to take on more responsibility and authority in November.
XG:That’s okay though. They will find themselves rewarded and mature if they pull through.
JJ:Okay, now the best part: Taurus! We’re both Taurus so this is really meaningful to us! It says that this is a great year for Taurus to begin something new and perhaps choose a new direction in life!
XG:Yeah! It says April and May could be the best months to make plans. Be careful in July and August, though, because Loveand relationships might take a slight hit. It warns us to behealthy, happy, and good to ourselves, especially in November and December!
JJ:In regards to Gemini, friends and family will become more cherished.
XG:Yeah, and it says that Gemini is gonna bea social butterfly this year. Don’t forget to eat healthy andget enough shut eye.
JJ:As for Cancer,this might be a tough year for them, as it will be challenging for them to control their emotions. You’re a sweet person, Cancer, don’t forget to take care of yourself, too! You will be very focused on others!
XG:Don’t worry, though. It says things will calm down for Cancer in the middle of June. People will find you charming in the second half of the year!
JJ:It’s going to be a well-balanced year for Leo! Leo will feel a lot of energy in April! And September will probably be a breeze!
XG:All of Leo’s energy might wear out by November, so be careful in November! Take good care of yourself then!
JJ:And then there’s Virgo! It will also be a year of strong feelings for Virgo this year! It says Virgo will have a busy life, so they shouldn’t forget to think straight.
XG:Yeah, but don’t worry, because by the middle of August, they will have a lot of good luck! Friends and family might be extra generous!
JJ:Anyways, I gotta go catch the bus. Let’s finish this conversation on Wednesday, okay?
XG:You got it!

New words for dialogue:

Horoscope = 星座
Run rampant =excessive, out of control 过度地,失控地
Pull through =succeed 成功做某事
Take a slight hit= suffer a small set back 遭遇小挫折
In regards to… = 关于…
Social butterfly =someone who is good at socializing and loves to socialize 善于交际,会应酬的人
Shut eye = sleep 睡觉
A breeze =something that is easy 容易的事
Think straight = 想得清楚
