日期:2011-03-22 09:45


Your body's many cries for water
This Book Worked For Me(Michael Foudy)
I have long suffered from borderline hypertension.
After reading this book and following Dr. Batman's advice,
my condition corrected itself within six weeks.
The advice is simple:
to drink one ounce of water
for every two pounds of body weight plus
one and one half additional ounces of water
for every ounce of beverage I consume containing caffeine,
carbonation or alcohol. Do this every day.
I have long suffered from borderline hypertension.
After reading this book and following Dr. Batman's advice,
my condition corrected itself within six weeks.
The advice is simple:
to drink one ounce of water
for every two pounds of body weight
plus one and one half additional ounces of water
for every ounce of beverage I consume containing caffeine,
carbonation or alcohol.
Do this every day.
ounce 盎司 / 英两
There are sixteen ounces in one pound.
pound 磅
But more important than the relief of my condition,
I began to notice a change of lifestyle.
I drink much less coffee and less alcohol.
I've practically eliminated carbonated beverages.
And, I feel much better. I've also lost weight.
Although I've given you the bottom line,
you should read the entire book to appreciate
how it applies to specific conditions
from which you and your loved ones may suffer.
Dr. Batman addresses how water can help everything
from Asthma to ulcers. You will be amazed.
But more important than the relief of my condition,
I began to notice a change of lifestyle.
I drink much less coffee and less alcohol.
I've practically eliminated carbonated beverages.
And, I feel much better.
I've also lost weight.
Although I've given you the bottom line,
you should read the entire book
to appreciate how it applies to specific conditions
from which you and your loved ones may suffer.
Dr. Batman addresses how water can help everything
from Asthma to ulcers.
You will be amazed.
apply to 适用于,应用于
The results of this research
can be applied to new developments in technology.
apply to
He applied for the job.
apply oneself to sth.
You will only pass your exams
if you really apply yourself to your work.
address 地址 / 提出(意见)
The football captain addressed him team.
The best part of this book is its plain
spoken advocacy of common sense.
The Author doesn't sell bottled water.
He isn't promoting a spa. He doesn't conduct seminars.
He is a man with a simple message.
Your body needs water, drink it!
I love to read and read voraciously.
This may prove to be the most important book
I've ever read.
Buy it, read it and follow Dr. Batman's advice.
You won't be sorry.
The best part of this book is its plain
spoken advocacy of common sense.
The Author doesn't sell bottled water.
He isn't promoting a spa.
He doesn't conduct seminars.
He is a man with a simple message.
Your body needs water, drink it!
I love to read and read voraciously.
This may prove to be the most important book
I've ever read.
Buy it, read it
and follow Dr. Batman's advice.
You won't be sorry.
common sense 常识
a sense of smell 嗅觉
a sense of humor 幽默感
make sense
What you say doesn't make sense.
in a sense
You are right in a sense.
prove 证明是,原来是
prove to be
My advice proved to be wrong.
My advice is proved to be wrong.
follow me
follow 跟随,追随
follow one's advice 听从,遵循
The students must follow the teacher's orders.
Can you follow me?
This Book Worked For Me(Michael Foudy)
I have long suffered from borderline hypertension.
After reading this book and following Dr. Batman's advice,
my condition corrected itself within six weeks.
The advice is simple:
to drink one ounce of water
for every two pounds of body weight
plus one and one half additional ounces of water
for every ounce of beverage I consume containing caffeine,
carbonation or alcohol. Do this every day.
But more important than the relief of my condition,
I began to notice a change of lifestyle.
I drink much less coffee and less alcohol.
I've practically eliminated carbonated beverages.
And, I feel much better. I've also lost weight.
Although I've given you the bottom line,
you should read the entire book to appreciate
how it applies to specific conditions
from which you and your loved ones may suffer.
Dr. Batman addresses how water can help everything
from Asthma to ulcers. You will be amazed.
The best part of this book is its plain
spoken advocacy of common sense.
The Author doesn't sell bottled water.
He isn't promoting a spa. He doesn't conduct seminars.
He is a man with a simple message.
Your body needs water, drink it!
I love to read and read voraciously.
This may prove to be the most important book
I've ever read.
Buy it, read it and follow Dr. Batman's advice.
You won't be sorry.

  • carbonatedadj. 碳化的,碳酸的 动词carbonate的过去式
  • caffeinen. 咖啡因
  • advocacyn. 拥护,支持,鼓吹
  • conductn. 行为,举动,品行 v. 引导,指挥,管理 vt.
  • alcoholn. 酒精,乙醇,酒
  • addressn. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧 vt.
  • hypertensionn. 高血压,过度紧张
  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性
  • consumev. 消耗,花费,挥霍
  • reliefn. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比 adj